Monday, March 23, 2009

One of my most dreaded things

I will consider myself a "grown up" when the dentist no long has power over me.

Its not just the fear of the pain. I consider that fear totally rational, because they DO hurt me, and who likes that!
Its my fear of them, what they will think of me. Why does an upcoming dentist appointment suddenly motivate me to find the time to floss 2x more than usual? Why do I care if a random stranger, who I am paying a good deal of money, thinks I am not flossing frequently enough. I take it personally, their judgement of my life, like I am not a good person because they can make my gums bleed. Why am I so concerned about getting yelled at by my dentist.
"Yes, I drink tea! No, I don't floss twice a day! I have a life....I have two kids...I don't have that kind of energy! What! You spend that much time and energy on your teeth! Maybe you have a problem."
Just saying....
On that note...I will be having my wisdom teeth extracted on Thursday. And I am terrified!

Friday, March 13, 2009

I must know!

Ok, my world has been totally turned upside down. I had no idea that there was even room for debate on this topic. But it seems now that I might not even be in the majority.
So, I have to ask...

Do you use a top sheet?

If "no", then do you use a fitted sheet and a blanket, or...what? And, why? Do you wash the blanket every week?
Please, help me to understand. It never even occurred to me that maybe I am the weird one.

when stay at home moms get bored...

weeks later, the haircut is finally starting to grow on me
i have always had a thing for boys with funky hair
(no "scott in high school" comments please)
poor princess squishy is still sick, but that doesn't slow her down for even a minute

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel

70 degrees changes everything!
Time to garden.
10 days until spring.