1 Samuel 16:7 The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."
I have to remember that when my grand plans and best intentions look a little...silly.
So I documented some of my efforts to prepare for Easter this year, so that I can learn from them for next year.
This, is "Palm Sunday", if you couldn't tell.
Jesus was played by Sir Topham Hat. The road to Jerusalem is toilet paper. I don't know if Toby got the point, but he thought it was fun. We reenacted several times, until Babyzilla decided to rip up the road.

For months we occasionally threw out "are we going to host a Seder?"
The morning of, I called Scott and said, maybe we could do something, just our family. He had been thinking the same thing. Confirmation.
Maybe you have seen a sippy of Seder "wine"....

But I am pretty sure you have never seen a "Milk Bone" in place of a shank bone. I REALLY intend no disrespect. I just have to believe that God has a sense of humor, and smiles at my (feeble) efforts to understand more of Him.

Toby was given permission(not that he thinks he needs it) to go play during the parts of the reading he didn't understand. He took it upon himself to get his camera and photograph the evening (and the carpet).

We called Toby back for the "fun" and food parts...
he invented a new Seder food... "egg drop soup"...
you make it by dropping a hard boiled egg into matzo ball soup...he was pretty excited, and has requested it at multiple meals since.

Then there was Easter egg dyeing. My natural self cringes at every aspect of this process, with kids that is. Maybe someday the eggs will be pretty, and whole, and the kids won't have blue arms and pink faces, or maybe not. Either way, God definitely teaches me through it.

The grass, the spring flowers, the sunlight through the colored water. Definitely helps me to just enjoy the (messy and imperfect) experience.

Note the splashing blue water. Aimee loved sorting the eggs, dropping one or two into each cup, then removing them and starting over.

Toby was "done" pretty quickly, as always, much to my chagrin.
Aimee stayed with it for awhile, then she grabbed a handful of eggs, tucked them tightly against her body and ran, trying to escape to the van with them.

And then there was one...

This is what we will be using to tell the rest of the story over the weekend. I don't have enough properly sized people, so we will see.

Tonight Toby and I read, and acted out, the last supper and the arrest. Sir Topham Hat played Jesus again. Diesel 10 played Judas. And for some reason, a random donkey kept going on vacation to get a pizza, I think. Unsure. It might have something to do with the chocolate pudding before bedtime. But the donkey seemed to stay put when I got to the part with the swords. Funny how that works.