Saturday, March 13, 2010

Second Child

Last night I was trying to give Toby a "quick washdown" before bed. Aimee has recently taken up a preoccupation with the potty. Not the little kid potty. The big potty. She shes Toby use it, especially around bath time, because that is the only time he lets her even be in the bathroom at the same time as him, and she is a copycat, so she wants to use the big potty to.

So Aimee insisted on sitting on the potty last night, and I was totally annoyed, because it was past bedtime etc, but I helped her get up there then went about dealing with Tobe. And then of course Toby said he had to go, so I pulled Aimee off, kicking a screaming, and put her back when Toby was finished. It was quiet for a second (rare), Aimee looked up at me, and then I heard it....water onto water! She peed, in the big potty, despite the lack of encouragement, and even discouragement. Scott and I just looked at each other is shock, then broke into a round of applause and cheers. And she was so proud.

Poor second child. I was annoyed that she insisted on using the potty. I would never have done that to Toby. Then again, she is a year younger then Toby was when he first used the potty.

I am not getting ahead of myself though, because as soon as she had "wiped" sufficiently (6 times) and got off the potty she turned around, reached in and grabbed a handful of wet toilet paper out of the potty. And this morning, when she again insisted on using the potty ( I didn't dissuade her) she sat there, fidgeted around, eventually got off, and then pooped on the floor.

So, I guess I am going to start encouraging the potty thing, but I think we have a long way to go.


  1. i just LOLed at "pooped on the floor". i must be a boy.

  2. Marley is my first child and I discourage her desires for potty sitting so either it is reasonable to not expect a 1yr old to use a potty or we both suck.
